Monday, October 26, 2015


Through the Eyes of a Newbie
October 27, 2015

Typically, our blog is written in a way that you really are not aware of the author.  But today, I want to write it so that I can give you the inside scoop on Gulu and more importantly, on Jo Ann and Pat.  Here goes….

Pat and I arrived in Gulu about five weeks ago.  Although I had been here in 2010 for about two weeks, I had forgotten how absolutely beautiful and welcoming the people are here.  They are sooo grateful for our presence.  One Little Sister of Mary Immaculate from Gulu said recently “it is important for our people to see you here and know that you care about us.”  Having just read Aboke Girls and Girl Soldier, I better understood what her words meant.

Water Woman with her daughter

As most of you know, one of the parts of the ministry Pat and I came to do was help implement the Water With Blessings program.  Our Sisters and Associates raised enough monies to purchase forty water filter systems to be shared with mothers who have at least one child who is five years or under.  These water filters purify water 99.9999% so that families no longer have to worry about the diseases that come from impure drinking water.  The mother also commits to share clean water with at least three other families.  Pat and I had one vision about how things would play out regarding sharing this good news with the women; and yet…what’s the old saying…”God’s ways are not our ways” kicked in and things are moving much more slowly than we had anticipated.  The good news is that two of our Associates, Charles and Santa Rita, are very involved in helping us organize the project.  They have also helped us grow in our cultural awareness so that this project will be presented in such a way that the mothers themselves will ensure that it will be sustainable. I have included a picture of one of our Water Women with her daughter.

Jo Ann with Lamara Jo Ann
In the meantime, we have had the opportunity to go with Sister Jo Ann to the maternity clinic and meet all the folks who work there with her.  To say she is beloved among the workers there and those who come for care is an understatement!  They all recognize her medical expertise and know that she is compassionate and will be honest with them.  One of the mothers even named her daughter after Joann.  In this picture, Joann is holding little Lamara Jo Ann and her mom is watching from the background.  The maternity clinic has had 250 births to date and there have been 688 women who have come for pre-natal care and 506 women and infants who have come for post natal care.  The maternity clinic is truly a blessing for the women in this community!  Special thanks to Lynne Cooper and all who helped make this dream a reality!

Student practicing to pass his exit exam
 And then there’s Pat!  You would think she is a rock star from the welcomes she has been receiving!  Word spread quickly that Sister Patricia had returned and her former students and colleagues at school have come to greet her.  All of them expressed gratitude for the positive influence she has had on their lives.  Some of the students that Pat was able to support financially through your generosity have continued on with their schooling and one of them is studying to be a medical technician.  Pat is very aware that these successes could never have become a reality without lots of people’s support.  What was new to me is that all children, if they want to attend school, must pay tuition.  There are three terms in a school year and it costs on average $50.00 a term in the primary grades, P-1 through P-7.  Of course, that is only the tuition for a day student.  It doesn’t include supplies, uniforms, or other fees.  Yes, students wear uniforms in all of the schools, private or public. Many of the children are unable to attend school because their parents are unable to pay the tuition.  I have included pictures of one of the classrooms at St. Joseph’s which is a government school.  Looks a bit different from the schools we know!  I went there on a Sunday, thinking I wouldn’t disturb anyone and I found three young men, studying for an exam they have coming up.  At Mass on Sunday, we prayed that those who are taking the P-7 exam will do well.

As a typical city girl, another new experience for me is eating food that we grow.  I know….hard to believe!  I love being able to go in the back yard and cut lettuce, pick green beans, peas, and green peppers.  You name it and it is growing there.  We are still waiting for the tomatoes and mangoes to ripen.  I have included pictures of the garden where Joann and Mary Louise Basler have worked.  The rest of us just enjoy the fruits of their labors.  Our friend, Obita Charles helps care for the garden as well.

I don’t know if I have ever seen more beautiful skies than we have seen here.  With no tall buildings and very little pollution, the sunsets are beautiful.  Here are some pictures we took from our back yard.




If my brother, Pete, were reading this he’d say…”enough, Patty” and so I think I’ll close for now.  I promise to return to give you a bit more of the inside scoop on Gulu, Jo Ann, and Pat.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support for all of us and the wonderful people with whom we are in ministry.  You are remembered in our prayers as well.  God bless!


  1. Thanks Patty...grateful for the update and grateful for God's work through each of you

  2. Thanks Patty...grateful for the update and grateful for God's work through each of you
